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Praemorsa Yellow



Orange Candles

Banksia's for birdlife!

The sight and sound of birds in the garden lifts the spirits and soothes the soul. Studies show that birdsong can even increase your property value. NZ tui, bellbirds and wax eyes have a sound all of their own, that most of us think extra special - something worth encouraging with the right kind of planting.

NZ native plants are popular bird magnets but our nectar seeking birds make no distinction between native and exotic trees when looking for food. They especially love Australia’s banksias, which flower mainly in winter when other food sources are scarce.

Banksia flowers are laden with sweet nectar. They also attract insects, a further winter food source for birds. The strikingly architectural flowers, which look fabulous in a vase, are produced in huge profusion for many weeks. Handsome banksias range from tall trees to low spreading shrubs and adapt to a wide range of conditions and are well known for their drought tolerance. They include some very useful shelter trees and many are ideally suited to coastal situations.

Striking and attractive Australian native plants with tough, often serrated leaves and large erect cones of stiff, wiry flowers in shades of greenish-white, yellow and orange through to red. Banksias range from ground covers, low growing shrubs to small trees and are great plants to attract bees and nectar feeding birds to the garden.


Growing beautiful banksias!

  • Sun: Banksias thrive in a sunny open position.
  • Soil: Most banksias prefer light sandy or gravelly soils, but some will cope with clay, provided excess water can drain away.
  • Water: During the first two years after planting, support young plants with regular watering during dry spells. Once established most will tolerate long dry periods. However with reasonable rainfall over free draining soil they’ll thrive.
  • Food: Opt for slow release fertilisers and feed very sparingly. Avoid high phosphorus fertilisers.
  • Pruning: Prune each spring after flowering to maintain an attractive shape.


Banksia plants are rugged and require little attention. You can fertilise the plant occasionally if you want, but it usually isn’t necessary. If you decide to feed the plant, opt for phosphorus-free products because phosphorus can kill the plant. Pruning isn’t usually needed, but you can shape the plant or trim it to maintain a desired size. Be careful not to cut old wood.

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